Here’s to the start of something good…

I can feel it in my bones.  This semester is going to be a good one.  Alright, alright I know it is day 1, but you know when you just get those feelings?  Well I have that after today and I am bound and determine to make this the best semester yet.

As a part of my new year resolutions I set several goals for the things I wanted to accomplish this semester.  Today, I met with my adviser and we spent about an hour prioritizing my semester goals and setting timelines for when I should have these goals completed.  I left that meeting and I felt great about the lists I had made.  One thing I have talked about several times while blogging has been making goals.  I would say that next to making goals, creating lists is one of my biggest tips to offer to anyone trying to accomplish anything.  In fact, I would go as far to say that they are like the Peanut Butter and Jelly of accomplishing things in my life.   Let me explain why…setting goals give you purpose by providing something for you to work towards.  Lists give you a detailed map showing how to reach your goals.  The added bonus of creating lists is mental clarity.  When you write something down you no longer have to think about it in order to remember it.  This then frees up all of that extra brain power to put towards accomplishing your task at hand.  Plus checking off items from the list is added motivation when you see just how much work you have been doing (it’s like having and reaching mini-goals)!

So what are my goals for this semester?  Well first and foremost I need to get my dissertation proposal together.  Then following behind that I need to take/pass my candidacy exams.  I have a few other research projects I am working on that I would like to wrap up and get sent out for publication as well as a few that I would like to start.  Oh and I have to find time in there to do the work for the class I am taking!  I can already tell you what tomorrow’s blog is going to be about…time management.  Those two little words can make or break your career as a graduate student!  Stay tuned!

Roll Tide 😉


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